Sublime Photo - Main Gallery Area

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On this page, you will find galleries of photographs I have taken from 2006 through 2008, with the most recent ones appearing at the top. Additional links further down on this page point to archives with galleries from earlier years as well as calendars I have produced since 2001. Click on the "Quick Index" links below to get to highlights on this page quickly!

Quick Index:  Hawaii 2008 Blog  Spring'08  Memorial Page  40D/D3/1DsMkIII Galleries  Southwest 2007  Fireworks 2007  Oregon 2006  Fireworks 2006  2005 Galleries  2004 Galleries  Calendars

2008 Celebration of Light - Vancouver, Canada


July 23rd

July 26th

July 30th
Grand Finale

August 2nd

This year, I managed to get out and photograph all four nights of the 2008 HSBC Celebration of Light fireworks competition. I photographed the Canadian team from the Granville Bridge (with the Burrard Bridge in the foreground), U.S.A from the roof of a 26 story apartment near English Bay (thanks to Carlos & Deborah!), China from the Burrard Bridge and finally, the Grand Finale from Kits Beach. Click on the images above to get to each respective gallery.

Hawaii 2008 Blog

Aloha! On June 8th, I left on a three week trip to Hawaii - two weeks on the Big Island, one on Kauai. While traveling, I kept a daily blog with image galleries - 21 galleries and 428 images! Soon I will put together a smaller "highlights" gallery but in the meantime, please peruse the blog.

The defining moment in Hawaii was seeing lava enter the ocean - a truly spectacular sight to behold - hence the thumbnail on the left. This is something that is not generally available for the Average Joe to see anywhere else in the world. On the Big Island, is is essentially a daily occurence - amazing! Enjoy...

Recent Works: 

UBC Botanical Gardens - May 18th

  B&W and Colour Mix - Queen E. Park
  UBC Spring Colour - May 14th
  Pitt River Walk - May 12th
  Fuji FinePix S100fs - First Photos
  Fuji FinePix S100fs - Reifel Bird Sanctuary
  Fuji F100fd Tests - Granville Island

I recently bought a new Fuji FinePix S100fs digital camera. Technically a "point&shoot", although one with some unique qualities - responsive when shooting raw files, a superb 28-400mm IS zoom, film simulation modes (Provia, Velvia etc.), expanded dynamic range settings and more. It handles more like a D-SLR than a P&S and I have been able to get some very high quality shots with it. Virtually all of the photos in the above galleries were taken with this new camera (all shot RAW and processed in Adobe Lightroom), the exception being the first gallery from the UBC Botanical Gardens, where there are a few Canon 40D shots and one from my IR modded 20D. The very last gallery is not from the S100fs, rather it has some tests from the new FinePix F100fd, a very compact P&S with a 28-140mm IS zoom and good image quality.

The Reifel Sanctuary shots were taken with a loaner S100fs from Fuji (thank-you!) and the newer ones with a new S100fs that I subsequently bought for myself. While this one camera certainly won't replace my extensive Canon system, it is capable of superb results and I'll likely be using it a lot when I simply don't want to lug around my large camera backpack, but still want the versatility of a camera that can deliver high image quality over a very wide focal length range.

I finally decided to throw together all of these recent galleries into one big update. Enjoy the sights and colours of spring in Vancouver... finally!


Ingrid Mander - Memorial Page

My mother passed away on April 7, 2008. May she rest in peace...

Here is a small memorial page in remembrance of her.


Recent Works: 

UBC Wanderings

  Finding Colour in February

Two visits to UBC: the first just wandering around campus with a Sigma 18-200mm OS Zoom. The second, I was determined to find some natural colour, despite it only being February! Well I found some at the always wonderful UBC Botanical Gardens. All the photos were taken with a Canon EF-S 60mm Macro lens, except the last few sunset shots. After being out on a relatively warm day finally, it now feels like spring is just around the corner...

Recent Works: First Photos: Canon EOS-40D
  Toy City
  Cambie & Burrard Bridge Views
  Vanier Park Evening
  Fall Colours - UBC Botanical Gardens
  Reifel Bird Sanctuary - Oct. 13th
  Vancouver Evenings
  Nikon D3 - A Rainy Night...
  Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III - First Tests

Finally, after many months, here is a major update with no less than nine new image galleries! Work and family have left me little time recently but now, during my Christmas break, I finally have a chance to bring my site up to date. Back in September, I upgraded my EOS-30D to a new Canon EOS-40D and here is some work from this excellent new digital SLR. There are a handful of shots from a Powershot G9 in the Reifel gallery and the first five in the Vancouver Evenings are from an EOS-5D but the rest of the shots in the first seven galleries are from my new 40D. Most of Toy City was shot with the Canon TS-E 24mm tilt-shift lens, making the city appear as though it were a scale-model shot with a very shallow depth-of-field.

You will also find two additional galleries, one from a test of Nikon's new top-end 12Mp D3 (all shot at ISO 3200 and above!) and one from Canon's new flagship 21Mp DSLR, the EOS-1Ds Mark III. Both of the last two galleries have additional "zoomify" links to enable full resolution views of these new top-of-the-line cameras.

Enjoy... and to all, a Happy New Year!

(updated August 19, 2007)

Gallery Page: 

US Desert Southwest 2007

  Southwest Highlights Gallery

On March 1st, I was underway on another trip to the US desert southwest. This time, I went through Las Vegas for several days to visit the huge PMA trade show that was running there. I decided to keep a blog of my trip, which I actively updated throughout my travels, on the Beau Photo website. This link will take you to the Beau Photo site and that blog, where you'll find lots of reporting and a travelogue of sorts from that trip. Note that the image galleries on the Beau blog were only preliminary ones, so please view the finished versions on the gallery page linked above!

This year, I have 11 different image galleries with a total of 516 (!) images, so I have dedicated a separate page with links to all those galleries as well as a condensed version of the travelogue which appears on the Beau website. For those not wanting to wade through so many images, I have a highlights gallery with 60 shots. Enjoy!

2007 Celebration of Light: Canada - July 28th
  China - August 1st
  Finale - August 4th

I missed the first night of fireworks this year, where Spain was the featured country. Visually, I was most impressed overall by China's show, although parts of Canada's display and parts of the Finale were excellent as well. I was hoping for a better view from Granville Island for the finale, but unfortunately the fireworks barely made it above the Burrard Street bridge, making a tight crop necessary.


The Nightmare that is Cambie (June 13, 2007)

Walking home from work, I decided to document some of the construction happening on and around Cambie Street in Vancouver. Getting across Cambie by car is, these days, a total pain-in-the-you-know-what! Walking lends a whole different perspective on things and allows one to actually see what is being done. That said, walking brought its own difficulties since the sidewalks were closed in a few places, requiring whole-block detours on foot as well! One such spot is shown by the picture to the left - Cambie and 14th Ave.


Spring in Vancouver

These images were all shot in and around Vancouver, after my return from the southwest. They were all taken with a digital point & shoot, the Fuji FinePix F30. This tiny little camera has an excellent lens and superb image quality, even at higher ISO settings. Its small size means I can always have it along, thereby not missing out on spur-of-the-moment photo opportunities, and its quality allows for sharp 8x10 prints, if not larger. These images were taken on walks to lunch, while wandering around town, walking home from work and so on - generally times when I don't have my "big" camera with me.


Burnaby Lake & Burnaby Mtn. - Feb. 10, 2007

After many months of taking very few photos, being tied up with family, the holidays, and being very busy sorting and organizing a lot of old scans on CD-R and DVD-R discs, I finally got the camera gear outside again. A bonus was that it was a wonderfully warm day for the first time in ages!

Images of 2006


Lighthouse Park - September 4, 2006

Once again, at one of my favorite spots, Lighthouse Park. I spent most of the day doing infrared work, only switching to colour for the warm sunset light. Accompanying me was my friend Kathy, who was busy using several homemade pinhole cameras to photograph the park in a totally different perspective. One of her cameras uses five pinholes in a row to make one long panoramic image - cool!


Fort Casey, WA - August 27, 2006

A small gallery of images showing Fort Casey, on Whidbey Island in Washington State. This abandoned military fort, now converted to a wonderfully scenic park, features some amazing old concrete structures and several well preserved long-range "disappearing" guns. This fort was built to guard against marine invasions, defending Admiralty Inlet at a strategic location during the first and second World Wars.

Sublime Photo - 2006 Wall Calendar

Sublime Photo - 2006 Desk Calendar

No... these are not next year's 2007 calendars, rather they are for 2006. Huh? It's already October! Well... at the end of 2005, due to time constraints, I decided not to market my 2006 calendars and only produced enough copies to satisfy friends and family. However, after looking over my website just now, I realized that I hadn't even put the calendars up on display, so... after a bit of thought, I decided they might actually warrant a gallery of their own, even this late in the year. So here they are... in all their web-sized glory!

I am still undecided on whether or not I will be selling copies of my upcoming 2007 calendar...


Celebration of Light Finale - August 5, 2006

I photographed the final day of fireworks at the 2006 HSBC Celebration of Light from the Burrard Street bridge. The first three fireworks shots were "teasers" that happened before the main event started. Early on, the tiny little passenger ferries of the Vancouver Aquabus fleet put on a great show of synchronized boating! The final shot in the gallery is about 10min after the last fireworks, when all the boats started making their way back up False Creek. With all the smoke covering the city and a police helicopter patrolling, beaming its spotlight around, it resembled some sort of disaster area!

(The fireworks are far more impressive seen large, so click the to zoom!)


1) Oregon, July 2006 Main Gallery
2) Oregon, Infrared Images Gallery
3) Thomas Condon Paleontology Center
4) Area Info and QTVR (coming soon)

In July, I visited Oregon for a week and this was my first "real" shooting trip with my infrared converted EOS-20D as well as my new EOS-30D. I had simply wonderful skies and perfect weather while I was there. An abundance of wildlife and wildflowers greeted my friend Bill and I, and apart from an intentional but generally unspectacular detour along BLM Route 6104 (Argh!... see "Area Info" for details), it was enjoyable and quite successful photographically. There are three separate galleries and more, so enjoy!



Minnekhada Park & Pitt Poulder - Colour IR

This time, I have left the images as colour infrared which gives a lovely deep blue sky. The first page of images was taken at Minnekhada Park on June 25th and the second page was in the Pitt Poulder area and almost right to Pitt Lake itself on July 1st, 2006.



UBC and Botanical Gardens - June 16 & 18, 2006

Some more black & white infrared at the Cecil Green House, outside The Museum of Anthropology and in the Botanical Gardens, all at UBC.



Recent Works:

UBC Botanical Gardens - May 8, 2006

A little bit out of order, I know... however I thought I should post this as there are a few nice macro shots in here.

What is notable is my unusual macro setup: a 50mm f/1.8 Canon lens, mounted on a short extension tube, mounted on a 1.4x teleconverter. This odd combination is quite sharp and what make it unusual is that normally one doesn't fit an etension tube between a lens and a teleconverter and as well, the 50mm lens would not actually fit on the teleconverter without it!



EOS-20D Infrared - June 10, 2006

These are the first tests with my infrared converted Canon EOS-20D. The colour image was processed using a red-blue channel swap from the original colour infrared capture. All the other images were also captured as colour infrared but converted to black&white in post-processing.

My camera was converted by which provided prompt service and excellent workmanship. With the converted camera, handheld shutter speeds are possible and no additional lens-mounted infrared filter is required.


Puppies - June 7, 2006

 Puppies. Need I say more?


 (Admit it... you want one!)


Boundary Bay - April 29, 2006

Amazing flocks of shore-birds abound this time of year around the Boundary Bay area, with numbers likely in the tens of thousands. These birds put on the most amazing display that evening, with what seemed liked boundless energy. They swooped around for hours on end almost as though they were conscious of the show they were putting on! More than likely, they were just having a good time! Zoom in on the gallery images with the magnifier button to get a better impression of the astounding numbers of birds there were... and don't forget to check out the flyby movie!


Stanley Park Views - April 2006

Stanley Park Panoramics

Some more camera testing was in order this evening, with this gallery featuring the first images taken with my new EOS-30D in and around Stanley Park on April 4, 2006.


Julia at Lighthouse Park - March 2006

What do you get when you take my friend Julia, her competitive fencing talents, some tree climbing (in heels!), a brand new bride's maid dress and mix them together at the wonderfully scenic Lighthouse Park? Enter the gallery to find out! Needless to say, this um... unconventional combination drew some puzzled yet intrigued looks from several fellow park visitors...

- Updated March 30, 2006


Reifel Bird Sanctuary - March 11, 2006

The afternoon of March 11th, I spent several hours at the Reifel Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary. This time around, I saw quite a few interesting birds, including several beautiful and very colorful species of duck, sandhill cranes, a hawk, a large number of snow geese and finally, to top it all off, a very nice sunset. An afternoon well spent and much more successful than the last time I visited the sanctuary. Enjoy!


False Creek - 2/19/2006

Despite the cold weather, I finally decided to motivate my butt outside and shoot my first gallery of the new year. These images were taken in the evening after sunset, along the False Creek seawall east of Granville Island.

While I'm on the topic of 2006, hope you all have a wonderful and successful New Year!

- Updated February 25, 2006


Gallery: Images of 2005

In here you will find galleries of photographs taken in 2005, including:

New Mexico 2005 - Main Gallery
Death Valley Bloom - Main Gallery

Florida 2005 - Everglades National Park & The Keys

Hannah and Christopher
Julia, Janina (and Luna too)
Brackendale Bald Eagles

Note that there are many more galleries than listed here, so follow the Images of 2005 link above to see them all!


Gallery: Images of 2004

In here you will find galleries of photographs taken in 2004, including:

Lower Mainland and Washington State
Oregon & California - June 2004
Oregon, Nevada & Utah - October 2004
Lunar Eclipse - October 27, 2004
Fiber-Optic Christmas Tree Abstracts



Since 2001, I have designed and produced a yearly wall calendar with images from the previous year's travels. This gallery presents an archive of the 2001-2005 calendars. For the moment, the 2006 calendar galleries are linked near the top of this page.

Watch for more galleries here in the near future with work from previous years!

Mike Mander, October 2006

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