Rose Information

Rose Information

Here you will find descriptions and history of the roses I have hybridized over the years. I am also including some descriptions of parent roses I have used. These descriptions will also be directly linked to my gallery images in the future.

Mini-Flora ‘Ingrid’, my latest introduction. Please click here for a direct link to my “Ingrid Gallery” (opens in new window) with 18 photos and information for each image.

Important Seed and Pollen Parents that I've used in over 30 years of hybridizing.

'Canadian White Star' is the very first rose I ever registered after 12 years of hybridizing.

'Super Sun' is the great-grandfather of all of my miniature roses. Super Sun is not one of mine.

"MANpurple" was 15 years of trials and errors! It is the grandfather of all of my minis.

"Rubies 'n' Pearls' is my first miniature rose and the father of all my subsequent minis.

"Golden Beryl" is my second mini and was introduced in Canada in 1995.

"Glowing Amber" is, without a doubt, my best rose in 33 years of hybridizing.

 Glowing Reviews of 'Glowing Amber' and some of my other miniatures.

"Amber Star" is a sport of 'Glowing Amber' and is known as 'Brittany's Glowing Star' in Canada.

"Shades of Pink" is my first Floribunda which produces blooms with many shades of pink on the same plant.

"Scarlet Pearl" is my second Floribunda.

"Buffy Sainte-Marie" is a Hybrid Tea whose parents are both miniatures and is named after the famous folk singer.

"Amber Sunset" is another one of my Miniatures.

George Mander
February 2004

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